I like work. Huh?
Last night was Back to School Night and I actually participated in it this year. I got my clinic all spiffied up and hung up the newly made pumpkin projects that my kids worked so hard on. As I was setting up, I realized that I’m actually enjoying my work this school year. Maybe it’s because it’s still only October. Maybe it’s because my kids are much cuter this year. I don’t really get it. All I know is that I’ve been staying until at least 5:00 each day (instead of leaving at 2 or 3) and I’m actually working! What makes me think I’m going crazy is that I’m sick today and totally bummed that I have to stay home! I even drove to work at 10:00 to pick up a binder so I could work on some stuff. What is going on over here?! Anyway, I was home sick today and felt like a total slug. I stayed in bed and watched Tivo all day. In fact, I watched a whole week’s worth of Days of Our Lives, which is getting rather exciting. *sigh* I hope I’m better by tomorrow.