Ice Cream Sammiches


At work, we celebrate everyone’s birthdays by drawing names out of a hat. It was my turn to prepare birthday dessert for the birthday person last week so I decided to make ice cream sandwiches. The birthday girl loves mint chip ice cream so this was perfect. On Thursday night, I baked 24 round chocolate cookies and packed them up in a shoebox. Of course I had to have a sample and the cookie came out nice and chewy but strong enough to hold the ice cream.

On Friday, I set up a cookie/ice cream bar for all to enjoy. Unfortunately, by the time I served them, the cookies were a little on the hard side. Everyone seemed to still enjoy the special treat but they could have just been very convincing. Regardless, I think the birthday girl enjoyed her treat. I have an idea for how to tweak the recipe a bit so I’ll be making another batch soon. Once I get it right, I’ll make sure to share the recipe.

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