Hong Kong Adventures – Part 3

The wedding festivities started on Saturday morning and then there was a brunch the following morning. It was quite the shindig with so much going on.

In the morning, everyone met up at the hotel’s library for the games. The bridesmaids planned a bunch of games for the groom and his guys and much of it involved taking shots and humiliation.

Kelly sat in the other room and watched all the action from her phone.

Here’s Ellie and Amelia (flower girls) with their new cousin Rachel.

Right after the games, there was a tea ceremony.

Then we were all transported to the church in a parade of private buses.

The kids were all dressed up for the occasion.

Alvin arrived first and then Kelly followed in a separate car.

It was a long ceremony and Peanut was super antsy. Thanks to the baby app on my phone, we kept him one place.

After the wedding, we went back to the hotel to nap and then went back to the wedding hotel for the banquet. It was super fancy complete with booze stations and a ballroom decorated to the nines.

We managed to get family photo taken right before KK fell asleep in the middle of dinner.

After the dinner banquet, the party was continued right outside of the ballroom. There were drinking games, a dance floor, live band, and night market with lots of snacks.

The youngsters were drinking all night and the two boys had to be helped upstairs to their rooms at the end of the night.

KK kept sleeping through the party and Peanut didn’t pass out until after midnight. We didn’t get back to our hotel until about 3am. What a party!

The kids ended up sleeping together that night and woke up starving.

Thankfully we had breakfast waiting for us on the top floor. So glad we opted for the Club Room Package.

After breakfast, we took a walk around the shopping area.

Peanut ended up falling asleep in the stroller so we just kept walking and ended up back at the Grand Hyatt (venue for the wedding).

At the pool house, the wedding festivities continued with a recovery brunch.

This place was off the hook! Look at the whole pig and giant paella pan!

The dessert table was crazy! I couldn’t decide so I picked a little of everything to share with the kids.

Here’s a photo of me with Amy (Jes’ cousin) and Kelly (the bride). What a fun party!!

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