Oahu 2016


Ah…Hawaii…this year’s trip was just days after Thanksgiving. The flight went as well as it could with a squirmy 15-month-old without his own seat.


He took two naps and played in the aisle after the meal service was over.


We hung out with Yoon and the family a lot more this time around. On our first night, they met up with us for dinner so we could borrow their pack-n-play and other essentials.


I just love staying at the Sheraton Waikiki. It makes those early-morning wake-up calls from the kids so much more bearable. Just look at that sunrise!!!


The Tsaos were on the same exact trip this time around – including same flights and same hotel. The girls had such a great time together.


This little guy had the time of his life too. He love the pool, the sand, and even the ocean!



These two are my favorites from the trip. The top one will definitely be Christmas-card worthy. The bottom one is gonna get blown up and put up on the wall at home.



On one of the days, we visited Aulani and the lagoon/beach that is open to the public.


We found the Stitch statue and the kids had fun wandering the grounds.


For lunch, we ate at the resort and Janie’s kid’s meal came with an ice cream sundae with Mickey Mouse sprinkles!!


We spent a lot of time at our own pool and caught some really sunny days along with a few passing rain clouds too.


During this trip, KK conquered her fear of putting her face underwater. By the end of the trip, she was floating around with her ears submerged and playing in the shallow pool without her floaties.



Speaking of poolside, it was nice to have an old friend to hang out with while the kids napped. We had our fair share of mai tais and other rummy drinks.



This one was a diy drink compliments of Ranee. It was our last day at the pool and SOMEONE had to help her finish off the rum they had bought at the store.


Here’s another one of my Mai Tai photos along the way. It included a watermelon-grubbin’ cherub in the background.

IMG_9187We discovered a new pork joint next to Leonard’s. It’s called Kono’s. Their original one is on North Shore and they recently opened one in Waikiki. Jes said it was the best pork sandwich he’s had in a long time.


The kids ate well on this trip too. Peanut and I went to Marukame Udon three mornings that week to pick up breakfast.


KK LOVED the Spam musubi and finally started eating the whole thing. In past trips, she would eat the Spam and hand back the rice and seaweed. This time, she would wake up and ask “can I have sushi for breakfast?”


The girls also had plenty of Baskin-Robbins this week. There’s a store in the hotel and it was the perfect treat for new accomplishments at the pool and in the ocean.


On our last night in Hawaii, we went on a trolley ride through downtown to see the City Lights.


It was a fun ride through town with Christmas music blasting along the way.


I also bought these outfits for the kids at the ABC Store. I couldn’t resist.


We had another fun vacation at our Hawaii House and it’s always sad to say “see you later”.


As usual, we said “aloha” to Yoon and Kurt on our way to the airport. We did our drive-by at their office to drop off their stuff and give one last hug.


I’m so happy that we were able to continue our annual trip to Hawaii and we made some more memories as a family. This is what keeps me going to work every day.


P.S. Hawaiian Airlines has a new line of cocktails and this one is pretty dope.

P.S.S. Peanut got compliments on our flight home. WIN!!

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