Saying Goodbye


This is one of my favorite photos of KK and Koa.

This evening, KK heard a dog barking outside and said “That’s not Koa, right?” I said “You’re right, that’s not Koa”.  Then she followed up with “It’s because Koa’s dead and I didn’t get to say goodbye before he died”.  It took me aback since today is the 3rd anniversary of his passing. After a long pause, I  told her “No, you actually did say goodbye at the hospital.” She looked confused so I found this old video that we took before we let him go.

She watched it, giggled a little, and said “Oh.” I’m not sure how well she remembers him but she always talks about him. KK turned 4 1/2 years old today and each half-birthday for KK will always leave a bittersweet feeling for me.

He left us on the day she turned 18 months old and I will never forget that day – especially when we came home without him that afternoon. I’m so glad that KK had some quality time with him but sad that he couldn’t stick around to meet Peanut. They would have had so much fun together.





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