Mother of Two

IMG_0301Yep, that’s me now.  Once my mom went back to Cerritos at the end of September, I began my new life as a mom managing two kids.  So far it’s been ok but I’ve certainly had my mini meltdowns in the middle of the night when I’m exhausted and in the evenings when both of them are with me.

IMG_0491The morning routine is still slower than I want it to be but it’s made a significant improvement since we started a token system with KK.  She earns pennies throughout the day for good behavior.  It’s a behavior management strategy AND a way for her to get a beginner’s lesson on the value of money.  It had a rough start the first day as she was learning the game but now it works like a charm (most of the time).

I’m starting to get a little more done during the day but it only occurs when Peanut is napping well.  On other days, I just throw every chore out the window and basically sit in the rocking chair feeding or calming Peanut. There are some days when he will only nap if I’m holding him. Luckily, watching TV doesn’t really require any hands so if it’s on, it makes the time pass a little faster.

Going out on my own usually takes a little bit of preparation and forethought.  My options with the two kids are the following:

  1. Carry Peanut and take KK in the stroller.
  2. Carry Peanut and walk KK by the hand (this can sometimes result in a major meltdown if she doesn’t cooperate).
  3. Push Peanut in the stroller and have KK hold onto the stroller or my hand.
  4. Throw them both in the car and go.

Options 1 and 3 are probably the easiest so far – especially if we can take the train.  Option 4 would seem the easiest but Peanut HATES being in a slow-moving car.

Next week, we’ll be taking a flight to Vancouver with the twins and grandparents aboard as well.  It’s gonna take some planning, endurance, teamwork, and patience but if we pull it off smoothly, our family vacation should be a lot of fun.


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