An Evening at the Ballpark


Susie scored some free tickets to the Giants vs. Dodgers game so we went last night for some tasty baseball food and a little baseball too. It was a comfortable evening with lots of orange-colored people and a sprinkling of Dodger blue. Apparently there’s a pretty brutal rivalry between the two teams and there was a lot of boo-ing and heckling from the stands. We were hoping to watch a couple fights but only witnessed a guy getting escorted out by the cops. I had a Giants dog and some nachos loaded with jalepenos while Susie got a roast beef sandwich from the Carvery. They have some fancy stuff at this ballpark! I got to see this Barry Bonds guy that reportedly hits a lot of homeruns. Nothing spectacular happened last night but it was fun watching him hit the ball and then have the ball caught immediately by the pitcher in the 8th inning. I can see the appeal of going to a baseball game. It’s like a really big and expensive Happy Hour for San Franciscans…it’s too bad that the Giants are in last place. At least they broke their 11-game home losing streak against the Dodgers last night.

Here are some photos from the game. Thanks for taking us, Susie!!

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