1st Trimester

I’m in the middle of Week 13 and nearing the end of the 1st Trimester.  It went by pretty quickly and was rather uneventful.  I didn’t have any real nausea with the exception of just feeling gross after eating sometimes.  I’m not really showing yet but I certainly feel bigger and lost about 3 pounds at the same time. It’s much easier to run this time around versus the first time I was pregnant.  I’m congested as ever (like last time) and I’m not sleeping through the night.  Naps are nice when I get the chance and I’ve gotten light-headed a couple times at work. The worst symptom I’ve had are these weird headaches that don’t go away very easily.

We had another ultrasound today at the brand-new UCSF hospital just down the street from our house.  It’s not actually open until next week but the diagnostic center was and we were there for their first day.

IMG_2049Here is the front of the new hospital where I will deliver Baby #2.  It’ll be cool to see if the post-partum room will be any cooler than the one we had at the old Parnassus campus, which I thought was pretty nice too.

IMG_2052The ultrasound was pretty long and everything looked pretty good to the technician.  This is one of the photos she printed out for us.  He was wiggling and turning over a few times throughout the exam – fun to watch.  We saw two arms, two legs, his stomach, his bladder, and a strong-beating heart.  He is 7.88 cm long from head to butt and has grown a lot in the past 3 weeks since our last measurement. I’m happy to see that little peanut is alive and well in there.  I can’t wait to feel him kicking.

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