It’s a Platy Family!
Last night we went to the store to buy some fish.
We came home with two sunburst wag platys and they adjusted well to our little 5-gallon tank.
This afternoon, I was checking on them and found a tiny little baby fish!!! I had a feeling one of the fish we bought was preggo because her belly was so big and round! FYI, baby fish are called “fry”. Haha.
When I looked closer, I saw two more, then a fourth…wait, there were at least 7 baby fishies!! Here is a picture of two on the leaf and two more (blurry) down below. Aren’t they so cute?!
Here is a video of them hanging out.
We made sure to keep the adults fed so that they wouldn’t be tempted to eat the babies. We also added more plants so that the babies had more places to hide. Hopefully they will survive the next few days and grow up big enough to fend for themselves.
Update!! I just checked again and counted ELEVEN of those little guys!!
Another Update: I just counted TWELVE! These guys are sneaky.
Monday, December 1, 2014talk about black friday special.