Thanksgiving 2014
This year, my parents came up for Thanksgiving. The Masayas were out of town so it was just the 5 of us with a 22-pound turkey. Heh heh.
In the morning, we went to the zoo. It was fun to be there on a holiday because all the animals got special treats and for some reason, a lot of the animals were awake and active this morning. I had never seen a hippo so up-close! They’re actually kinda scary when they’re not sleeping underwater.
Once we got home, the cooking started. Thankfully we had my parents around to keep KK company.
The turkey came out perfectly and we also had a HoneyBaked ham that my mom brought up from Cerritos.
As usual, we ate until we were overstuffed and there were plenty of leftovers for sandwiches for the next several days. I love Thanksgiving!!!
Things I am thankful for:
- My family – they keep me grounded.
- My friends – they keep me sane.
- Our health – Only one fever and one short trip to the ED this year!
- Jesse’s stable job – 7 years and counting!!
- Our next trip to Hawaii in March – hotel and flights are booked!! Woohoo!