all in one day

Today was a marathon moving day at work. Yesterday we packed the remaining items in our clinic in preparation from the moving guys today. At 7 am, I arrived at work and found five big guys from Custodial Services with two trucks ready to help me move. They managed to move every last piece of furniture, equipment, and paper into our new space within a matter of two hours. We spent the remainder of the day unpacking, arranging, and cleaning to have a brand new OT clinic ready and waiting for my last day at IUSD.

Here’s the view from the front door. That’s our fine motor area in the foreground.

We now have TWO mat areas!!

We created a snazzy office space with a window.

I still can’t believe how large the new space is. It’s wide open and has sooo much storage!! It was so nice to have a place for everything with extra space for future supplies and therapists. We also have separate areas for swings and gross motor activities so that two therapists can easily treat simultaneously without getting in the way of each other. I’m so jealous of whoever takes my place this fall but so relieved that it’s done and ready for September.

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