2014 Kickoff
In lieu of a Christmas Party, our department at work decided to have a holiday party in January. It was held in my Club Room last night and we had a great turn out.
I think at one point we probably have about 50 adults and 13 kids!!
The last time we had a party was two years ago when I was 5 months preggo. Now we’ve had an explosion of children with the addition of Kumquat, Vivian, Sophie, and now Henry!
On top of the kiddie section, there was an area where the boys could follow the football game too.
Jes played a mean game of Jenga with Eli and lost.
Everyone seemed to have a good time including the kids. Kumquat was on her best behavior and played with almost anyone who was around. She’ll be Mommy’s Little Helper in no time!
I ordered Thai food from down the street and they delivered so set-up was a breeze. Clean-up also wasn’t as bad as years before since I actually ordered the right amount of food this time!
This was a great way to kick off the new work year. Cheers!