
DSC_3114Jes’ parents took the day off so they could spend time with their little granddaughter and to take her to see some fish.  We spent most of the afternoon at the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific and we all had a pretty good time.  Kumquat was with Jes’ parents for a good part of the trip and at one point Jes and I found ourselves seated on a bench just “supervising” all the activity.  When she was let out of the stroller, she ran free while both grandparents tried to corral her.  It was very cute.

IMG_8088By the way, this aquarium is as good as I remembered when we used to be annual pass holders the first year they opened.  Our favorite tank was still looking good and it brought back memories of us back in 1998.  Jeepers, that was a long time ago!


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