Too early…

I’ve had a really eerie couple days.  Two lives were taken away from us way too soon.

P1090022DSC_6703On Wednesday night, Smush passed away from a really unfortunate incident involving a neighbor’s dog in the hallway.  I’m still in shock about the whole thing and I can’t imagine what Susie’s going through right now.  Have a good time in Doggie Heaven, Smush.  Say “hi” to Pepsi, Doogie, and Cookie for me.

DSC_6782On Thursday night, my hula instructor and friend, Pua, lost his battle with cancer.  I knew that he was getting treatment but he was always in such good spirits.  It’s so surreal since I just bumped into him a couple weeks ago at Safeway.  Rest in peace, Pua.  You will be missed.

Days like these make me realize how every day is so precious.  Hug your loved ones a little tighter today.

One Comments

  • Johnny

    Saturday, July 20, 2013

    oh no, so sad!

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