Mini Holiday Party

kumquat & tOn Tuesday, we decided to have an impromptu HH at Cato’s on Wednesday.  I actually skipped out early at 4 pm to drive home and pick up Kumquat and then drove back to the East Bay for this and it was totally worth the wait in traffic on the way back to the East Bay.


tigersIt turned out to be a fun little mini holiday party for us and was just the right combination of people, food, and drinks.

menuKumquat was a trooper and was passed from one auntie to another all night while she grubbed on puffs.  The girls got a good laugh while she ate her puffs and also blew snot bubbles from her nose.  Here’s a video of her hanging out with the ladies.

iphoneWe were able to stay out until at least 8 pm and my little sidekick rocked it all evening without a single complaint.

steph & beakI love these ladies and I’m so glad that we were able to hang out and celebrate the end of another year together before going our separate ways for the holidays.

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