Sophie’s Bday Party
On Sunday, I took Kumquat to Lafayette to celebrate Sophie’s upcoming 1st birthday. Her birthday is actually this Friday and I’m so glad that we were in town for the party. It was supposed to be at a park in Orinda but with the unpredictable rain this past weekend, it was moved to a local Round Table. The decorations were really cute with little elephants topping the scrumptious homemade cupcakes. I usually don’t like cake but I ate TWO of these. Ranee, they were delicious!!
There were lots of kids including the Chu twins. Here’s a pretty funny photo of the four kiddos together. This is one of the outtakes and I can’t help laugh when I see this.
Aunties Steph, Mai, and Karen were there too and they each got some time with Kumquat.
Here’s a photo of Karen with both of the chubby cheeksters.
We also managed to get a group photo of the kids and their moms. It’s the first time we’ve had all four kiddos together in the same place.
The best part of the party was watching Sophie enjoy her first taste of cake and frosting. Good stuff…
She seemed a little confused by all the singing and everyone staring at her. Click here if you can’t see the video above.
Here’s a photo of her getting a taste of the cake. Yum yum! Click here if you can’t see the video above.
Happy Early Birthday, Soph!
Saturday, December 22, 2012Awww so glad you guys came! The pic of the 4 babies is HILARIOUS! Look at Janie’s expression!:)