Weird Bug

On Monday afternoon, I had a yucky, swollen, itchy feeling in my throat.  That evening, I threw up my dinner.  I thought it was food poisoning but Jes made my dinner and he had eaten the same exact thing with no problems.

The next day, I woke up with aches in every muscle and joint in my body and had a raging headache that wouldn’t go away.  I decided to call in sick and I was so glad that I did.  I was useless all day and struggled just to get up in the morning to feed that baby at 7 am.  I was also thankful that Mirian was still able to come in for her usual day with Kumquat.  I slept for most of the morning, woke up briefly but unable to get out of bed, and then slept right through lunch.  I spent part of the time staring out the window wishing I could enjoy the sunshine and rare 90-degree weather in SF that day.  But no, I was in my house worthless.  Finally around 2 pm, I was feeling better, took a shower, and managed to finish a load of laundry that I had started the night before.  That was about all I could handle.  Luckily I was well enough by 5 to drive Mirian home since I didn’t have a parking spot for her car that day.

The next day I woke up feeling about 75% so I went to work.  Unfortunately I was still fatigued, still a bit queasy, and my headache hadn’t really gone away.  I didn’t and couldn’t really eat much all day and just went to bed around 8:30 pm.

This morning I woke up refreshed and energetic again.  Maybe it was because the bug had passed and maybe it was because Kumquat slept ALL NIGHT without a peep.  I even had enough energy to wake up to my 6 am alarm and walk the dog before anyone else in the house was awake.  Boy, what a difference 24 hours can make!  And no, I’m not pregnant!

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