Two More Months!

Our flights are booked.  The hotel room is reserved.  We’re heading to Hawaii in July!!!  Yippeeeee!!!  Kumquat just turned 4 weeks old today and will be 1 month old on Sunday so I pulled out the outfit her Auntie Teresa bought her.
Turns out that when a baby outfit says 0-3 months, they’re really saying 0-1 month because it fits already!  Oh no… At least the sunglasses will still fit.

So, in two months, we’ll be heading west to Oahu to visit our dear friend Yoon and to have 5 days and 4 nights at the Moana Surfrider, our home away from home.  Can’t wait!  Hopefully Kumquat will cooperate on the flight over (crossing my fingers) and we’ll just have to deal with the time difference when we get there.

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