I’m a Mommy.

Just the other night, I was watching Modern Family and was having a good time just chillin’ and laughing. Then I had a weird moment. I looked down to find my baby girl in my arms sleeping like a little angel and my first thought was, “Whoa, I have a baby.” For a fleeting moment, I had forgotten that I went through the whole childbirth process and that I’ve had a little human relying on me for the past 3 weeks.

Despite the lack of sleep and complete change in my daily routine, this has been a fun adventure so far.  I’ve met some pretty cute babies in my life but I have to say that I’ve got the cutest one yet.  It’s hard not to stare at her when she’s sleeping and I can’t help gush over her when she’s being super animated.  Her farts make me laugh and I really don’t mind using my own pinkie nail to pick out a booger that’s been bugging her.  It’s true when people say, “It’ll be different when it’s your own baby.”  The crying and poopy diapers are all just part of the adventure and they don’t last forever.  The smiles, sneaky looks, and squeaks make it all worth it.

Sometimes I still can’t believe I’m a Mommy and I’ll never forget the simultaneous feeling of shock, joy, and fear the moment the nurses plopped Kumquat on my chest.  At that point, life would never be the same again.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you moms and moms-to-be out there!!

One Comments

  • Johnny

    Sunday, May 13, 2012

    haha, you’re a mom.

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