TV is entertaining

I am what the media would consider a TiVo watcher.  I record only a handful of shows and that’s all I watch.  I also don’t watch commercials unless I forgot to fast forward.  Well, last night I sat down in the front of the TV and watched network television programming. Most of it consisted of flipping between the MTV Video Music Awards, Grey’s Anatomy, and other random channels. I must have been living in the Food Network bubble for quite some time because there’s a bunch of other stuff out there that I’ve been missing. Without the luxury of fast forward, I had to sit through all the programming and advertisements and did so with such delight.  I saw commercials that I had never seen before and the music awards included a lot of new bands and artists that I had never heard of. During the commercials and Jackass segments, I laughed out loud and had an overall entertaining experience.  I didn’t think TV would be so novel to me but it was. I might have to check out the new fall line up of shows now.

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