
Last night the PediRehab girls and I had an evening of Chicken McNuggets and wine on the roof of my building.  It was a calm evening in the break of two rainstorms so it was perfect for our plans.

Ordering food for the 5 of us and Jesse was ridiculous.  We ordered 30 McNuggets, 2 McWraps, 3 large fries, a McChicken sandwich.  On top of that, Jes warmed up Patty’s tofu nuggets in our oven since she had given up meat for Lent.

To make things more interesting, we ate by the light of a mini MagLight.  Everyone brought a bottle of wine, Patty brought the cups, and rooftop Happy Hour was complete!  Jes actually joined us for the first time and then a husband and a boyfriend showed up a little later.

To top off the night, we played McNugget Buddies Bingo – yep, you read it…McNugget Buddies Bingo does exist.  I happened to open the cabinet in one of our smaller treatment rooms at the hospital the other day and found this awesome awesome game.

It was a gorgeous night in the city and we had a lot of good laughs and a happy happy time.

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