My Family!!!
Cousin Nida (aka “Ja”) who lives in Thailand.
This morning I got a facebook friend request from my cousin in Thailand! Then, I got another request from my cousin in North Carolina! Then, I found her brother in her friend list and we added each other. Yay!
Cousins Amy and Andrew (from North Carolina) and John (Nida’s brother) in Europe together.
On my mom’s side, there are 10 cousins (including me and Brother). I haven’t seen these cousins in many many years and only remember them as little kids. Now they’re all growns up and I can see what they’ve been up to through this crazy crazy place called facebook. There are lots of people who say it’s trouble to put yourself out there but this is one of the reasons I appreciate the social networking site…I get to reconnect with old friends AND family!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009Just wait til you go to Thailand with us in 2010….then you’ll meet all of my cousins too! Gosh…us Thai people got lots of relatives!
Saturday, January 24, 2009Last time I saw you was like 10 years ago! Pretty much heard from ur mom. We should get together sometimes like going to Disneyland like Andrew said hahaha 🙂 now if u wanna visit London u can call John 😀
Saturday, January 24, 2009Oh, oo! can i go?
Saturday, January 24, 2009You wanna go to Disneyland or London?!
And this is what Andrew wrote earlier to me:
“Haha we should all go to disneyland with white hats and cameras sometime. Facebook is awesome.”