On Sunday, we took Muni across town to check out Eleen’s booth at Bazaar Bizarre. Her booth was in the corner but she managed to get quite a bit of traffic.
Of course, her bags and accessories were oh so yummy and we were all very excited for her.
It was fun walking around and checking out all the other booths too.
There was a booth that featured plush pork products and another that sold plush human organs.
I came home with a couple Christmas gifts and picked up my very own Big Lug too. Yay! I love it!
Great job, Eleen!! And congratulations on another successful event! For a closer look at her products, go to
Here are photos from our afternoon of craft browsing and burger eating.
Monday, December 1, 2008Hey your big lug is perfect for Hawaii!
Sunday, December 7, 2008aww, thanks nina! love the photo of you and susie with your Lugs. thanks also for making it to the show, for picking up a bag for yourself and for the plug on your blog! 😀