Are we that old already?

Last night we went to The Harp Inn in Newport Beach to watch one of Jes’ co-workers play in his band called “Velicious”. They’re a group of old guys having a good time on stage playing and singing covers all night while we sit around and drink beer. Huy also met up with us and it sounded like he had an awesome month in Peru (he just got back).
As we watched the band play, we noticed how old the crowd was…I’d say late 30’s, some early 40’s. Although I recognized 75% of the songs they played, I was about done and ready to go home by the first act. It was somewhat entertaining to see a handful of women who looked like former-sorority girls trying to dance and “party on” to covers of Guns and Roses and Iron Maiden. This was not exactly my idea of a good time but they were obviously enjoying themselves. Huy, don’t worry, we’re not that old yet. I’ll let you know when we are.

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