Busy Saturday. Lazy Sunday.
After my run on Saturday, I had a MASSIVE headache. It was probably a combination of dehydration and strain from not wearing sunglasses on the run. I took a nap and finally got enough energy to crawl into the car to go to Dayantha’s house. Once I got there, I think the medicine or caffeine that I took kicked in just in time and was in good enough shape for the pool party that Ti threw for Thilan’s bday. We got to eat some food, hang out by the pool, and watch the kids (and Dayantha) hit the pinata. Later in the evening we stopped by my cousin’s house for his 30th bday party and hung out for a bit while they played a 3-table poker tournament.
At 10, went met up with the Tranandos again at Cohiba Club in Long Beach. It wasn’t bad except for the stupid $20 cover. To also flirted her way into the VIP room and got th rest of us in too. The room wasn’t so special. However, Dayantha did notice that there were a lot more girls than guys in there. The dj sucked but we got to drink and dance until they kicked us out. Victor and Susie met up with us after their wedding and we all ate at Denny’s like old times. I can’t believe we didn’t get home until 4:30 in the morning. Whew…it’s been a while since we’ve done that. Sunday was a certainly a day of rest. We got up really late. Jes didn’t go for his 7am bike ride. We had Spam and eggs for breakfast. Watched the Tour (awesome stage, by the way) all afternoon. The brother came over to fat out with us for the rest of the evening. Topped off the evening with a BBQ and beer in the jacuzzi. Is it time to go back to work already?!