The twins are here!!

IMG_5958Today was an exciting day for the Laos.  Jia delivered the twins today around noon and they came out big and healthy.

DSC_6424Baby A was the boy and he weighed 6 lbs 5 oz.  His name is Thomas James.  He’s already quite an eater.

DSC_6429Baby B was the girl and she weighed 6 lbs 2 oz.  Her name is Toni Jessie.  She’s the less-enthusiastic eater and fusses more.  It’s so appropriate that she was given her uncle’s name as her middle.

DSC_6434The babies are 38 weeks gestation and are developed enough to not need a NICU stay.  Jia is doing well and delivered them without needing a C-section but had some bleeding afterward.  However, with some plasma and rest, she was looking really good when we visited this evening.  Jia and the babies should be able to go home in a couple days.  Yippee!!

Congratulations, You Two!!  Welcome to Parenthood!!  It’s gonna a be a crazy ride and we’ll be there with you all along the way!

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