Project Piglet

pigletThis year, I decided to make KK’s costume.  She was going to be Piglet and I thought it was easy enough to figure it out.

IMG_8791At Target, I found a shirt, tights, and hair clips that were the perfect shade of pink.  Then I went to the fabric store and bought a big piece of bright pink felt.

IMG_9106I traced one of KK’s dresses for the pattern and then cut out two pieces.


The two pieces got pinned and sewn together.  Thanks for lending me your machine, Susie!!

IMG_9115The fabric got flipped over to make a little dress!  When I tried it on KK, it came out too long.  Luckly it worked out because then I could tuck the fabric inside and pin it to make it a little poofier.



The last part was drawing stripes with a Sharpie.  It was surprisingly easy to do!

I also cut out the ears and glued them onto hair clips.  Thanks for lending me your glue gun, Stephanie!!


Here are all the pieces put together and ready to go!


And here’s the final product in action:

Mission Accomplished!!

One Comments

  • Kel

    Saturday, November 1, 2014

    SO CUTE! I can’t stand it. 🙂

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