It’s just the beginning…
About a month ago, Teresa and I were talking about running the Oakland Twilight 5K. It’s a fun run that occurs the night before the Marathon on Sunday. After deciding to sign up, we recruited the rest of the Rehab crew to play along and they all agreed! None of them were regular runners but they had enough time to train. So, on Saturday evening, I took BART to Oakland 12th St. Station and picked up my bib at the Expo. That’s where we met up and took the school bus to to race at Jack London Square. The race was a “scenic” Oakland race through the ghetto and along the water and it was super flat.
We all had a blast and were rewarded at the end with free PopChips and MGD 64s. Woo! To celebrate, we had margaritas and tapas at Cocina Poblana. Good times…good times. Since everyone had such as good time, we decided to start a casual running club. It starts Tuesday and we’re heading out to Lake Merritt for our first 3-mile run around the lake.
Here are the rest of the photos. They’re all kinda blurry since I brought my waterproof camera.