I gave in.

While we were in Hawaii, Jes couldn’t stop talking about how awesome it would be to have an iPad for reading, surfing the internet, and watching movies on vacation.  He went on and on and on and I fought back with “you don’t need it you don’t need it you don’t need it”.  Unfortunately, I’m a sucka for good design and gadgets so I eventually gave in and secretly ordered one for him as soon as we got back.  When I picked him up after a hard day at work, I surprised him with my order confirmation email and it sure did lighten his spirits.

On Tuesday, I got an email notifying me that it was shipped (from China!!) and it arrived via FedEx yesterday.  Wow, that’s fast!

This morning Jes picked up the package from the Association office (they accepted and signed for us) and he broke open the box this evening.  It’s gorgeous and so much fun for surfing and reading.  Jes downloaded the Netflix app and it’s ready for On Demand movie watching.  I went into the app store and downloaded a few books for myself and searched for some free games.

Yes yes…we’re suckers…and now we have another Apple product added to our ever-growing gadget family.


  • JOy

    Thursday, July 8, 2010

    Ooh la la

  • Johnny

    Saturday, July 10, 2010

    can’t wait til your sick of it so i can have it.

  • beakatude

    Saturday, July 10, 2010

    Ha. Like Jes’ old Macbook Pro? Are you even using it?!

  • ninja

    Monday, July 12, 2010

    Spirit + hackulo.us + installulous = slightly tolerable device

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