Christmas Vacation: Part 2

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On Wednesday, Mommy made Kanom Krok for breakfast and it was sooooo yummy.  Again, I LOVE the Magical House.  Later in the afternoon, it was time to take care of some business.  First stop was Wahoo’s the Irvine Spectrum.  I had been craving a fish taco and their famous rice for some time now and it was still as tasty as I had remembered.

Next stop was the vet.  Koa hadn’t seen a vet since we moved to SF and he was overdue for his vaccinations.  He was pretty good at first but as soon as we got into the examination room, his hind legs started to shake and he couldn’t stop panting.  Check out the huge tongue!  Once the vet came in and tried to examine him, I smelled something super foul.  He had expressed his anal glands all over the floor and it’s one of the grossest smells ever.  The vet had to take him in the back to get him cleaned up and apparently did it again!  Well, the vaccinations were done and he also weighed in at 29 pounds…what a fatty.

Afterward, we headed out to Pish’s office for a dental cleaning.  I was in fear of having 3 cavities but I had X-rays done and was cavity-free!!!  Whut!?  Unbelievable.

Joy and Mommy also arrived a little later and it was Family Fun Day the Dentist once again.

For dinner, we went out for Korean BBQ at ShikDoRak with Hols, Dayantha, and Huy.  We ordered a Combo Meal for 4 (there were 5 of us) and it still felt like a night of never-ending beef.  I was super full afterward but it was sooooo good.

One Comments

  • Kel

    Thursday, December 31, 2009

    I forgot to tell you that Rob and I went to see Dr. Pish a few weeks ago for our teeth cleanings. He’s so nice!!! He thought we were Victor and Susie at first because of our last name. 😀 Luckily I didn’t have any cavities or major problems but Rob has 3 cavities and has to get his wisdom teeth taken out. Icky. Anyway, glad to see you had a good Christmas!

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