Oahu in December
We were so lucky to be able to fly to Hawaii for a second time this year!! We went from December 7-14. It was to celebrate the arrival of our baby boy and to finish off my maternity leave. We did this with KK when she was born and I’m so glad we did it again.
The trip was kicked off with an empty plane and extra seat for Peanut. Awesome. Everyone did great.
We stayed at Sheraton Waikiki again and it was great. What was even better was that Ranee and her family also booked the same days and hotel!!
THEN a few days before our trip, Jason and Jia decided to come along too! What fun!
It was so nice to have someone to have Happy Hour with and extra grown-ups to keep an eyes on the little ones in the pool.
No trip to Oahu would be complete without seeing our favorite Yoon. She just bought a house in Kailua and she invited us over for lunch.Trevor is much bigger than he was when we first met him in March and he’s adorable.
He also took a special interest in Peanut. So cute!
As usual, I was up really early every morning with Peanut and KK was up pretty early too. Luckily, there’s a beautiful sunrise to watch every morning and it was nice to just hang out by the infinity pool while it’s empty and quiet.
We also met up with Ranee and Avia who were also up early and there was one morning that we walked to Marukame Udon to pick up some breakfast. Yum…wish I could have udon every morning for breakfast.
One of the best things about this trip was that KK got to spend some fun beach and pool time with Sophie! They had a blast together and it was so sweet to see them having conversations and trying to share.
This trip was Peanut’s first trip and he experienced so many new things. He loved chilling in the pool, which also helped nap during the day too. He was learning how to sit up and it was perfect for hanging out on the beach. I love this photo.
One great thing about being in Hawaii in December is that they take Christmas very seriously there. The decorations are off the hook everywhere you go. This is the tree in the lobby of the Moana.
We spent A LOT of time at the pool this trip and KK conquered some of her fears. She was “swimming” around with her floatie on and went down the small slide all on her own. She was still afraid of jumping in and was too scared to go down the big slide. Regardless, we are so proud of how much she accomplished.
We had such a fun and memorable trip! I can’t wait to go again sooner than later. Food post will follow.